Prezident Slovenskej republiky Rudolf Schuster s Petrom Kokoľusom, autorom knihy ODVAHA - Storočný zápas o slobodu. Rudolf Schuster, President of the Slovak Republic with Peter Kokolus, author of the book COURAGE - 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.

The Presidential Library in Kosice, which was established by former President of the Slovak Republic Rudolf Schuster, received the book COURAGE – 100 Years of Striving for Freedom, Commemorative Edition.

The Presidential Library in Kosice, which was established by former President of the Slovak Republic Rudolf Schuster, received the book COURAGE - 100 Years of Striving for Freedom, Commemorative Edition.

Rudolf Schuster, President of the Slovak Republic with Peter Kokolus, author of the book COURAGE – 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.

Alexey Leonidovič Fedotov, Veľvyslanec Ruskej federácie na Slovensku na ruskej ambasáde od autora knihy ODVAHA - Storočný zápas o slobodu výtlačok z limitovanej očíslovanej edície DeLuxe, # 19/100. Alexey Leonidovitch Fedotov, Ambassador of Russian Federation in Slovakia received his limited DeLuxe Edition of the book COURAGE: 100 Years of Striving for Freedom #19/100 on Russian Embassy.

Alexey Leonidovitch Fedotov, Ambassador of Russian Federation in Slovakia received his limited DeLuxe Edition of the book COURAGE: 100 Years of Striving for Freedom #19/100 on Russian Embassy.

Architekt Juraj Jančina - ďalší kamarát s Pamätnou edíciou knihou ODVAHA: Storočný zápas o slobodu. Architekt Juraj Jancina - another friend with Commemorative Edition of the book COURAGE: 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.

Architekt Juraj Jancina – another friend with Commemorative Edition of the book COURAGE: 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.

Martin Fabián, majiteľ a zakladateľ firmy Zdrkadlá Fabián - ďalší fanúšik a majiteľ knihy ODVAHA - Storočný zápas o slobodu, z limitovanej očíslovanej edície DeLuxe, #17/100. Martin Fabian, owner and founder of company Zrkadlá Fabián (Fabian Mirrors) - another fan and owner of the book COURAGE: 100 Years of Striving for Freedom, from limited numbered DeLuxe Edition, #17/100.

Martin Fabian, owner and founder of company Zrkadlá Fabián (Fabian Mirrors) – another fan and owner of the book COURAGE: 100 Years of Striving for Freedom, from limited numbered DeLuxe Edition, #17/100.

Jeden z prvých fanúšikov knihy ODVAHA - Storočný zápas o slobodu - Bc. Martin Gregor. One of the first fan of the book COURAGE: 100 Years of Striving for Freedom - Bc. Martin Gregor.

One of the first fan of the book COURAGE: 100 Years of Striving for Freedom – Bc. Martin Gregor.

Ďalší čitateľ - Tibor Furtkevič, môj kamarát z detstva - mimochodom, jeden z najinteligentnejších ľudí akých som kedy stretol. Another reader - Tibor Furtkevič, my friend from childhood - one of the most inteligent people I ever met.

Another reader – Tibor Furtkevič, author’s friend from childhood.

Miroslav Lopušný

Miroslav Lopušný

Moja dlhoročná priateľka Andrea Murray a jej manžel Steve Murray zohrali pri vzniku tejto knihy kľúčovú rolu. Preto sa stali čestnými držiteľmi oboch edícií (Pamätnej edície, ako aj DeLuxe edície) mojej knihy ODVAHA - Storočný zápas o slobodu. My long-time friend Andrea Murray and her husband Steve Murray played a key role in creation of this unique book. Therefore, they became honorary holders of both, Commemorative Edition, as well as DeLuxe Edition of my book COURAGE - 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.

Author’s long-time friend Andrea Murray and her husband Steve Murray played a key role in creation of this unique book. Therefore, they became honorary holders of both, Commemorative Edition, as well as DeLuxe Edition of book COURAGE – 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.

Čerstvý fanúšik Milan Tkáč, ktorý keď počul o hrdinských činoch hlavnej postavy mojej knihy v dobe, kedy bol charakter človeka testovaný tými najextrémnejšími podmienkami - vojna, fašisti a dilema, či pomôcť partizánom a riskovať svoj život a život najbližších alebo hrať mŕtveho chrobáka a prežiť s väčšou istotou - ihneď si zakúpil Pamätnú edíciu knihy. Fresh fan Milan Tkac

Fresh fan Milan Tkac, got the book after he found out the book hero story, when the character of man was tested by the most extreme conditions.

A tu je ďalší fanúšik autora Petra Kokoľusa, tentokrát: Marcel Zlacký, zakladateľa a majiteľ spoločnosti Gastma s.r.o., s Pamätnou edíciou knihy ODVAHA: Storočný zápas o slobodu. And here is another fan of the author Peter Kokolus, this time: Marcel Zlacky, founder and owner of the company Gastma s.r.o., with Commemorative Edition of the book COURAGE - 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.

And here is another fan of the author Peter Kokolus, this time Marcel Zlacky, founder and owner of the company Gastma s.r.o., with Commemorative Edition of the book COURAGE – 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.

Jeden z prvých fanúšikov: Ing. Rastislav Bobček, PhD., zakladateľ spoločnosti Product Feed, a.s. získal knihu ODVAHA - Storočný zápas o slobodu z Pamätnej edície. One of the first fan: Ing. Rastislav Bobcek, PhD., founder of the company Product Feed, a.s. gained the book COURAGE - 100 Years of Striving for Freedom from Commemorative Edition.

One of the first fan: Ing. Rastislav Bobcek, PhD., founder of the company Product Feed, a.s. gained the book COURAGE – 100 Years of Striving for Freedom from Commemorative Edition.

Čestný majiteľ knihy ODVAHA - Storočný zápas o slobodu z limitovanej očíslovanej De Luxe edície, kniha #12/100 - Ing. Michal Bučko, zakladateľ CKM a občianskeho združenia Slovensko bez drog. Honoured owner of the book COURAGE - 100 Years of Striving for Freedom from limited numbered DeLuxe Edition, book #12/100 - Ing. Michal Bucko, founder of CKM and Slovakia without drugs Foundation.

Honoured owner of the book COURAGE – 100 Years of Striving for Freedom from limited numbered DeLuxe Edition, book #12/100 – Ing. Michal Bucko, founder of CKM and Slovakia without drugs Foundation.

Miroslav Labaš, zakladateľ spoločností Labaš s.r.o. a Potraviny Fresh, s.r.o., čestný majiteľ knihy z limitovanej očíslovanej edície DeLuxe, kniha #3/100. Miroslav Labaš, founder of the company Labaš s.r.o. and Potraviny Fresh, s.r.o., honoured owner of the book from limited numbered DeLuxe Editon, book #3/100.

Miroslav Labaš, founder of the company Labaš s.r.o. and Potraviny Fresh, s.r.o., honoured owner of the book from limited numbered DeLuxe Editon, book #3/100.

Helena Žecová, zubná technička sa stala majiteľkou Pamätnej edície knihy ODVAHA: Storočný zápas o slobodu. Helena Žecová, dental technician became the owner of the Commemorative Edition of the book COURAGE - 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.

Helena Žecová, dental expert became the owner of the Commemorative Edition of the book COURAGE – 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.

David Hostettler, viceprezident vydavateľstva New Era Publications sa stal majiteľom Pamätnej edície knihy ODVAHA: Storočný zápas o slobodu. David Hostettler, Vice President of the publisher New Era Publications is the owner of Commemorative Edition of the book COURAGE - 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.

David Hostettler, Vice President of the publisher New Era Publications is the owner of Commemorative Edition of the book COURAGE – 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.

Martin Lipták, údržbár - majiteľ Pamätnej edície knihy ODVAHA: Storočný zápas o slobodu. Martin Liptak, maintainance man - the owner of the Commemorative Edition of the book COURAGE - 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.

Martin Liptak, maintainance man – the owner of the Commemorative Edition of the book COURAGE – 100 Years of Striving for Freedom.